‘Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed, will revolutionise the way we learn.’ – Steve Jobs
Computing and technology are integral to our everyday lives now and are likely to become even more so in the future as technology develops and evolves. In computing, our children learn about several aspects of computing and develop a range of skills. They then use these to solve problems with creativity and enthusiasm, preparing them to grow, live and thrive in an increasingly technological world.
To find out more about what the children in each year group learn, please click on the long term plan below.

Year 4
We’re busy writing commands for playground turtles in preparation for our computing 🐢 💻 #y4computing

Year 5
Class 5 learning about vector drawings as part of their media project. They also learned about shortcuts. #y5computing

Year 6
Class 6 have designed their own sustainable cities - inspired by work we’ve done in our Geography and Computing lessons #y6geography #y6computing

Class 6 are creating websites to share information about sustainability #y6computing #y6geography

Class 6 are using their plans, and exploring software, to create their own web pages #y6computing

Class 6 have loved using the brand new iPads 🤩 whilst researching and designing websites #y6computing