
‘You can make anything by writing.’ – C.S. Lewis

We write to share our thoughts and opinions, to entertain others, to escape from reality and to make a difference in the world. Writing embeds our everyday lives and we often use this skill to record our learning across the curriculum. We are adventurous, creative and imaginative writers and we know that our voices can make a difference in the community and the world beyond.

Throughout Foundation Stage and KS 1, we develop our early writing through RWI. This provides distinct writing opportunities to improve our confidence and enhance our love of writing. Across the school, distinct genres are taught in each year group but children are given opportunities to write in a wide range of other genres across the curriculum. Where possible, our writing links to other areas of the curriculum or the particular guided reading book we are studying. We write for a range of purposes and audiences and by the time we leave Key Stage 2, we are equipped with an extensive vocabulary. Each class has a specific set of writing targets that encompass the whole writing curriculum. These carefully build on prior learning and extend their writing skills and knowledge.

The writing curriculum is supported by the RWI spelling programme and the Twinkl Cursive Unlooped handwriting ‘Steps to progression’ which can be viewed below.

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Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

👀Special Delivery! Today we received a reply from Buckingham Palace #y4writing
A letter from 10 Downing Street arrived this afternoon, thanking these girls for supporting the government in its mission to protect our natural world #y4writing #y4science

Year 5

Year 6

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