‘Creativity is intelligence having fun.’ – Albert Einstein
We aim to become confident and creative designers. We continuously develop our basic skills and subject knowledge which are transferrable each year within school life and beyond. Design and Technology consists of three focus areas: Cooking and Nutrition, Textiles and Construction. We are encouraged to take risks, ask questions and inspire each other to design, create and evaluate new products each term. To find out about the Design and Technology we learn in each year group, click on our long-term plan below.
Year 2
Class 2 have been learning about different joining techniques. They have been practising the running stitch. #y2dt

Class 2 have been writing instructions on how to make their delicious cheese on toast this morning. 😋#y2writing #y2dt

We have some super chefs in Class 2! They have been using the skills of kneading, baking, grating, grilling to make cheese on toast. It tasted delicious too! #y2dt

Class 2 have been exploring foods that can be grown and raised in the UK and those that can be grown in other countries. #y2dt

Year 3
More food tasting for our DT lesson today in class 3. We love most types of bread as we kept asking for more! #y3dt