The reception year (Class R) is the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum which covers Birth to Five. In Class R we develop and embed the prime areas of learning that underpin everything else to come. These are Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development. With quality adult support and interactions, play is the best way for children to develop these skills and so we give it the time it deserves. The continuous provision allows children to follow their own interests and adults engage with the children and model and teach through playful interactions. We love to be outdoors and take part in forest school on site.
The specific areas of learning are Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. In Class R children develop their early reading skills through a structured phonics programme (Read Write Inc) and through the sharing of many wonderful stories. They learn to form letters and write simple sentences. In Maths, children investigate the numerical system to 10 in detail and explore shapes and patterns. Understanding the World is the foundations of Science, History, Geography and RE. Children begin to understand and explore their world through learning about farmers and food, space and planet Earth and how different people celebrate.
Class R perform a Christmas nativity every year and go on visits within the village and beyond!
KS1 and Class R have had a fantastic afternoon taking part in the National Storytelling Week activities. They had some amazing ideas for their own stories. #eyfsreading #eyfswriting #y1reading #y1writing #y2reading #y2writing

KS1 and Class R have had a fantastic afternoon taking part in the National Storytelling Week activities. They had some amazing ideas for their own stories. #eyfsreading #eyfswriting #y1reading #y1writing #y2reading #y2writing

Class R have had a lovely day celebrating World Book Day. And the best bit…..sharing our favourite book with our Class 4 friends 😊#eyfs #ourschool #worldbookday

Class R have been investigating spider webs and then making their own. We wonder if anything might come to live there 🕷️ #eyfs #our school

What a super first day back for Class R today! Who would have thought a ball of wool would lead to such great team work and problem solving! #eyfs #ourschool

Class R have been learning all about what it takes to be an astronaut! Ask us about gravity boots and oxygen tanks! #eyfs

Class R filled their pebble pot! Marshmallow snowmen and a Christmas movie. A well deserved treat for being fantastic! 😊 #eyfs #ourschool