‘The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world.’ – Barak Obama
We are curious and passionate geographers who learn about our locality, the country in which we live and the wider world. As we pass through school, we gain a greater understanding of the natural environments on earth and our place within it through both exploration and research. We develop a strong social conscience through our experiences of geography which allow us to truly realise the importance of living sustainable lives. To find out about the geography we learn in each year group, click on our long term plan below.

Year 2
Class 2 have been looking at how Tickton has changed and grown over time. They noticed that a lot of trees have been cut down to make way for homes so they carried out a tree survey about those still in our school grounds. 🌳🌲#y2geography #y2history #y2sustainability

Year 3
Year 4
We’re using what we’ve learnt about the world in geography to write information texts #y4geography #y4writing

Year 5
Year 6
Class 6 have been looking at their clothing and working out the miles they have travelled from the country they were produced today #y6geography

Class 6 have designed their own sustainable cities - inspired by work we’ve done in our Geography and Computing lessons #y6geography #y6computing

Class 6 are creating websites to share information about sustainability #y6computing #y6geography