‘History gives answers only to those who know how to ask questions.’ – Hajo Holborn, German-American historian (1902-1969)
We are curious and passionate historians who learn about the people, the events and the times that have influenced the world in which we live today. We ask questions about the past, look critically at different types of evidence and use the knowledge we’ve gained to form our own perspectives and views. To find out about the history we learn in each year group, click on our long term plan below.

Year 1
We have really enjoyed exploring our new history topic , Kings and Queens, through play! #y1history

We have been learning about how people used to communicate in the past. We can order the photos from earliest to latest. #y1history

We have been learning about transport from the past. We can say which mode of transport happened first. #y1history

We looked in our school kitchen and Mrs Ridsdale showed us how technology helps her to cook. We thought about how long it must have taken to cook in the past. #y1history

Year 2
Class 2 have been looking at how Tickton has changed and grown over time. They noticed that a lot of trees have been cut down to make way for homes so they carried out a tree survey about those still in our school grounds. 🌳🌲#y2geography #y2history #y2sustainability

Class 2 are the people to ask if you would like to learn more about Amy Johnson! Fantastic facts have been written about her today. #y2history

Class 2 have been excellent historians this afternoon. They’ve been using sources to find out about some of the issues Amy Johnson faced on her journey. #y2history

Class 2 have been exploring and describing some of the problems that the plotters faced during the Gunpowder Plot. 🎆🎇 #y2history