
‘The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.’ – Paul Halmos

We are confident and competent mathematicians and we develop our numerical skills through a concrete, abstract and pictorial approach. We regularly revisit our prior learning and solve mathematical problems daily both in school and whilst navigating our daily lives. Throughout school, we use the ‘White Rose’ maths mastery scheme which provides us with strong foundations, a consistent approach and regular challenge. To find out more about the maths we learn in each year group, click on the link to the ‘White Rose’ progression documents.

View the long term plan (PDF)
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Year 1

Class 1 can make “teen numbers” in their play. #y1maths

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

A huge well done to these seven who can recall their 9 x table in less than 2 seconds. Wow! 👏👏👏 #y4maths
We love it when children collect resources independently to help them with tricky maths 🤩 #y4maths

Year 5

Year 6

A long division super star ⭐️ showing her buddies what to do #y6maths