Our Aims for Physical Activity and PE
At Tickton Primary School we aim to provide a wide range of PE, physical activity and sport. We strive to engage, motivate and inspire all our pupils, as well as promoting healthy lifestyles to keep them fit, healthy and active. We provide a curriculum that is both competitive and noncompetitive, with emphasis upon enjoyment and skill development.
Our teachers and teaching assistants receive ongoing training and support to deliver high quality PE lessons. At times, we also utilise PE specialists who provide great expertise and experience and further opportunities for our pupils and staff to develop.
Sporting Opportunities and Experiences
In addition to our excellent PE curriculum, we also offer our pupils a wide range of extra-curricular and out of school sports clubs throughout the year. This year we will be continuing to offer: netball, judo, dance, tennis, football, athletics, badminton, cricket and tag rugby.
Children from Reception to Year 6 have opportunities to participate in these clubs. We keep registers and records to monitor participation and are committed to finding a sport which interests every child.
Sporting Competitions
We are also proud to offer pupils regular and varied opportunities for all our pupils to take part in sporting competition. Allowing children to enjoy competition and all the skills and values this promotes, whatever a child’s level of skill or experience.
Last year we participated in football, netball, dodge-ball, rounders, cricket, rugby, sports hall athletics, basketball, tennis, badminton, and multi-skills competitions. Though the support, passion and commitment of our pupils, parents and staff we have enjoyed a great deal of success, both at a local and regional level.