‘Reaching for the world as our lives do, As all lives do, reaching that we may give The best of what we are and hold as true: Always it is by bridges that we live.’ – Philip Larkin: Bridge for the Living 1981

Through our RE curriculum, we want our young people to learn about religion and worldviews in local, national and global contexts, to discover, explore, consider and interpret different responses to life’s big questions. The children use skills taken from the disciplines of theology, philosophy and social Sciences to enhance their understanding about religions and participate fully and positively in our society with its diverse religions and many differing worldviews.

To find out about the RE we learn in each year group, click on our long term plan below.

View the long term plan (PDF)
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Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

#ourschool #christmas #y3re #proud 🎶 ⛪️

Year 4

Year 5

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Year 6