‘There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on treasure island.’ – Walt Disney
We love reading and become confident readers by building on the skills we learn in each year group. We have access to a broad and varied curriculum and develop a love of reading by having ‘story-time’ in Key Stage 1, a wide choice of daily reading books and key-stage libraries where we can choose a book for enjoyment. We also read books linked to other areas of the curriculum which brings our learning alive.
We learn reading skills daily throughout the school. In Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, we learn to read through the Read, Write Inc programme. This helps us to segment and blend words and develops our decoding skills as well as helping us become fluent readers. Beginning in Year 2 and throughout Key Stage 2 we develop our skills through VIPERS.

Year 1
We brought our favourite books in from home, talked about why we liked them and then did a book swap! World book day fun! #y1reading #ourschool

KS1 and Class R have had a fantastic afternoon taking part in the National Storytelling Week activities. They had some amazing ideas for their own stories. #eyfsreading #eyfswriting #y1reading #y1writing #y2reading #y2writing

We have been working hard to use our story teller’s voice when we are reading today! #y1reading

Year 2
Class 2 love World Book Day! We’ve had a fantastic time exploring our new books, having a book scavenger hunt and creating our own book marks. 📚#y2reading #ourschool

Class 2 have been exploring illustrations from their new book to find out more about the character Bob. #y2reading

KS1 and Class R have had a fantastic afternoon taking part in the National Storytelling Week activities. They had some amazing ideas for their own stories. #eyfsreading #eyfswriting #y1reading #y1writing #y2reading #y2writing

Year 3
In class 3 for World Day we have been thinking our favourite characters and acting like them before having an ultimate character too trump battle #y3reading

Year 4
Year 5
Class 5 completing their VIPERs today focusing on adding detail to their inference answers. #y5reading