‘Education is not about the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.’ – W.B. Yates
We explore, discover and make sense of the world around us through practical, hands-on experiences both within and outside our school. We are curious and ask questions so that we can develop our knowledge and scientific skills. To find out more about the science we learn in each year group, click on our long-term plan below.

Year 1
We have been learning about the properties of materials in Science today. We had a scavenger hunt to find objects made of materials with different properties! #y1science

We have been sorting rubbish into different piles for recycling. We have looked closely at the materials they are made from #y1science

Year 2
Year 3
Class 3 using our observation skills in science whilst thinking about what’s in soil #y3science

We have loved our science lesson today all about grouping and classifying different rocks #y3science

Class 3 testing different materials to see if they are opaque, translucent or transparent #y3science

Year 4
Do sounds get fainter as the distance from a sound source increases? Class 4 have been investigating #y4science

Year 6
Class 6 enjoyed re-capping on their understanding of shadows in Science by making shadow puppets this week! #y6science

Yesterday in PE Class 6 were testing their pulse rates before and after movement #y6pe #y6science

Class 6 enjoyed consolidating their understanding about the heart and circulatory system through dissection today! ♥️ #y6science