
Headteacher’s Welcome

On behalf of everyone I would like to welcome you to Tickton C of E Primary School. We believe that our school is a very special place for children to learn and we are delighted that parents choose for their children to embark on their learning journey here. We hope that our website will give you an insight into the life of the school by providing you with information about the various policies, practice and procedures along with photographs of the exciting things that happen here. We are very proud of our school and our pupils’ achievements and believe that our success is brought about through everyone working together to make Tickton Primary a fun and creative place to learn and belong to.For further information please contact school so we can arrange for you to visit, there will always be a warm welcome waiting for you.

Miss Brown


Statement of values and ethos

Our ethos can be captured in our Christian values Respect, Caring. Forgiveness, Honesty and Trust. And in our mantra ‘Learning and Growing Together’.

Well done rainbow sticker winners! #ourschool