In Class 1 we continue primarily learning through play, as we embark on the first steps of the National Curriculum.
We have daily phonics sessions, which include early reading and writing opportunities and prepare the children for the National Phonics screening at the end of Year 1.
In maths we learn how to create number sentences, using practical apparatus and explore shape and space. Animals, materials and plants are the topics covered in science. Our History curriculum includes learning about old toys and Kings and Queens from the past; and in Geography we explore our local area and beyond.
By the end of Year 1 we endeavour to become more independent learners and build on the early skills we have learnt.
We have really enjoyed exploring our new history topic , Kings and Queens, through play! #y1history

We have been learning about how people used to communicate in the past. We can order the photos from earliest to latest. #y1history

We have been learning about transport from the past. We can say which mode of transport happened first. #y1history

We looked in our school kitchen and Mrs Ridsdale showed us how technology helps her to cook. We thought about how long it must have taken to cook in the past. #y1history

We brought our favourite books in from home, talked about why we liked them and then did a book swap! World book day fun! #y1reading #ourschool

KS1 and Class R have had a fantastic afternoon taking part in the National Storytelling Week activities. They had some amazing ideas for their own stories. #eyfsreading #eyfswriting #y1reading #y1writing #y2reading #y2writing

We have been working hard to use our story teller’s voice when we are reading today! #y1reading

We have been learning to spell the days of the week and remembering to use a capital letter. #y1writing

KS1 and Class R have had a fantastic afternoon taking part in the National Storytelling Week activities. They had some amazing ideas for their own stories. #eyfsreading #eyfswriting #y1reading #y1writing #y2reading #y2writing

We have been learning about the properties of materials in Science today. We had a scavenger hunt to find objects made of materials with different properties! #y1science

We have been sorting rubbish into different piles for recycling. We have looked closely at the materials they are made from #y1science