In Year 2, we become experts at recalling number bonds within 100 and start to learn our 2,3,5 and 10 times tables in maths. We develop our reading fluency by exploring a range of familiar stories, such as those by Julia Donaldson, and begin to answer simple questions about what we have read. We use capital letters and full stops in our writing and start to use commas for lists, exclamation marks and question marks in different types of sentences. We learn about a range of different conjunctions that can be used to add more information in our writing. We continue to practise letter formation in our handwriting. In Science, we find out about what animals need to survive and their habitats, investigate the properties of materials and we start to grow our own plants and learn to look after them. Guy Fawkes, Amy Johnson, explorers and The Great Fire of London are our history topics. In Geography, we carry out simple fieldwork to find out about our local area. We start to create our own simple maps using a land use key. To find out about what we learn in other subjects, click on our long term plan below.
In Year 2, we take part in a nativity play and are have opportunities to have hands on experiences that relate to what we are learning through trips and visitors to the school.
Class 2 have been practising rolling, pinching, pulling and squeezing clay this afternoon. #y2art

Class 2 have been learning about different joining techniques. They have been practising the running stitch. #y2dt

Class 2 have been writing instructions on how to make their delicious cheese on toast this morning. 😋#y2writing #y2dt

We have some super chefs in Class 2! They have been using the skills of kneading, baking, grating, grilling to make cheese on toast. It tasted delicious too! #y2dt

Class 2 have been exploring foods that can be grown and raised in the UK and those that can be grown in other countries. #y2dt

Class 2 have been looking at how Tickton has changed and grown over time. They noticed that a lot of trees have been cut down to make way for homes so they carried out a tree survey about those still in our school grounds. 🌳🌲#y2geography #y2history #y2sustainability

Class 2 have been looking at how Tickton has changed and grown over time. They noticed that a lot of trees have been cut down to make way for homes so they carried out a tree survey about those still in our school grounds. 🌳🌲#y2geography #y2history #y2sustainability

Class 2 are the people to ask if you would like to learn more about Amy Johnson! Fantastic facts have been written about her today. #y2history

Class 2 have been excellent historians this afternoon. They’ve been using sources to find out about some of the issues Amy Johnson faced on her journey. #y2history

Class 2 have been exploring and describing some of the problems that the plotters faced during the Gunpowder Plot. 🎆🎇 #y2history

Class 2 love World Book Day! We’ve had a fantastic time exploring our new books, having a book scavenger hunt and creating our own book marks. 📚#y2reading #ourschool

Class 2 have been exploring illustrations from their new book to find out more about the character Bob. #y2reading

KS1 and Class R have had a fantastic afternoon taking part in the National Storytelling Week activities. They had some amazing ideas for their own stories. #eyfsreading #eyfswriting #y1reading #y1writing #y2reading #y2writing

KS1 and Class R have had a fantastic afternoon taking part in the National Storytelling Week activities. They had some amazing ideas for their own stories. #eyfsreading #eyfswriting #y1reading #y1writing #y2reading #y2writing

Class 2 have been writing instructions on how to make their delicious cheese on toast this morning. 😋#y2writing #y2dt

Class 2 have been retrieving facts from texts about Arctic animals to add to the information that they collected yesterday. 🐧🐻❄️ #y2reading #y2writing

Class 2 have been exploring Islamic artefacts and have been talking about how they show Muslim beliefs. #y2re

Class 2 have been thinking about how they could be more giving like St Francis of Assisi. They also made their own verses to add to his song ‘The Canticle of the Sun’ #y2re

Class 2 have been exploring Christian artefacts and reflecting on what Christian beliefs they may show. #y2re

Class 2 have been exploring the significance of The Three Wise Men and their gifts in the Nativity. They suggested their own special gifts that they would give to Jesus. #y2re