In Year 3, we learn our 3,4 and 8 times tables with the associated division facts. We apply these to other areas of maths, including fractions and solving words problems with bar models. In English, we love reading books by Dick King Smith and books that link to our Ancient Egypt history topic. Our writing targets include using commas in a list and expanded nouns phrases to make our writing interesting to read. When learning about punctuation, we use inverted commas for dialogue, apostrophes for contractions and apostrophes for possession. In Science, we learn about the human body, light, rocks, forces and plants. Our History topics include the Stone Age to the Iron Age, Ancient Egypt and the Mayans. In Geography, we learn about fieldwork in the local area, sketching maps, locating cities in the UK and we look at land use in this country. To find out about what we learn in other subjects see our long term plan. We think Year 3 is particularly special because we enjoy all the opportunities during our first year of Key Stage 2, including taking part in a carol concert in church and exciting school trips.
More food tasting for our DT lesson today in class 3. We love most types of bread as we kept asking for more! #y3dt

In class 3 for World Day we have been thinking our favourite characters and acting like them before having an ultimate character too trump battle #y3reading

Class 3 using our observation skills in science whilst thinking about what’s in soil #y3science

We have loved our science lesson today all about grouping and classifying different rocks #y3science

Class 3 testing different materials to see if they are opaque, translucent or transparent #y3science

Class three have been busy comparing Jesus’ leadership style to leaders we have today and whether his leadership style was through power or service ✝️ #y3re

Class 3 have been busy creating a list of what it takes to be a good leader, exploring the responsibilities of a ‘Founder of Faith’ to help them. #y3re ✝️

Class three have been busy learning all about Epiphany and how it is celebrated all around the world 👑🎁🥮 #y3re

Class three have been busy learning the significance of Mary in the Christmas Nativity ✝️🌲

Class three have been busy working as teams to design their own garden. We have a leader, a landscaper and a budgeter, making sure their team doesn’t overspend their budget! #y3jigsaw 🌸🌼🌻🌳☯️🌷

Class three have been busy sharing their dreams and goals that is important to them for the future. ✨✨#y3jigsaw ✨✨