In Year 4, we become experts at our times tables in maths and we develop our love of reading, especially Roald Dahl books. We build on our writing targets from Year 3 and by the time we leave Year 4, we can use varied punctuation, a range of conjunctions and we know how to join our handwriting. In Science, we find out about teeth and the digestive system, electrical circuits, sound, states of matter, the water cycle and learn how to create classification keys to identify living things. The Shang Dynasty, Ancient Greece and the Romans are our history topics. In Geography, we learn about hemispheres, tropics and poles as well as Europe and all about rivers. To find out about what we learn in other subjects, click on our long term plan below. We think Year 4 is particularly special because we go to Carlton Lodge on our first residential visit….and return with increasing independence.
We’re busy writing commands for playground turtles in preparation for our computing 🐢 💻 #y4computing

We’re using what we’ve learnt about the world in geography to write information texts #y4geography #y4writing

This half term, our topic in French is ‘Les fruits’ We have been completing a word search to help us with our spellings #y4french

Do sounds get fainter as the distance from a sound source increases? Class 4 have been investigating #y4science

This afternoon, we have been using Google Maps to find places and street names named after saints starting with the village and then the surrounding areas #y4re

This afternoon, we have been researching the lives of St. George, St. David, St. Patrick and St. Lucy to find out how they lived their lives and became saints #y4re

This afternoon, we have been writing job adverts to fill a vacancy for a Saint. If you have the required skills, please apply! 😇 #y4re

This afternoon, we have been thinking about the things that make us special and unique. We have created a class paper chain to celebrate all these qualities #y4jigsaw